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Image by Matt Jones
Marble Surface

Real Estate

There are several options for giving real estate to the Alberta Society of Islamic Fellowship, depending on what you would like that gift to support. For example, if your interest is student scholarships or bursaries, the property could be sold and the proceeds would go to establishing an endowment that would support financial aid for students for many years after you are gone. If you want your property to be used in a way that will support education, an agreement can be created between you and the Alberta Society of Islamic Fellowship that outlines expectations and obligations with respect to how the land will be used and for how long.


1. Donate now or as part of your estate.
2. Option to retain interest in the property.
3. Independent appraisal required.
For Example:

A supporter gives real estate valued at $1 million to the Alberta Society of Islamic Fellowship:

  1. Donor receives a tax receipt for $1 million.

  2. Donor receives a tax credit of $500,000. *

  3. The credit can reduce up to 75% of donor's taxable income (100% in year of death).

  4. If the donation is the donor's principal residence or ecologically sensitive land, there is no tax payable on the capital gain.

  5. For gifts of real estate that are not the donor's principal residence, 50% of the capital gain is taxed. However, the tax credit will likely exceed the tax on the capital gain tax, resulting in a net tax saving.

* Tax credit depends on donor's income and specific circumstances

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