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Marble Surface
Marble Surface

The Alberta Society of Islamic Fellowship "ASIF" is working locally to build great, inclusive, and diversified communities for everyone.

WE IMPROVE LIVES BY "PASSING IT FORWARD". It's actually a term popularized by the movie "PAY IT FORWARD", a Year 2000 film by Haley Joel Osment, Kevin Spacey, and Helen Hunt where the main character changes many lives when he decides that instead of returning a favour, he will pay it forward by doing good deeds for 3 people.

So, what does it mean to "pay it forward"? It's when we respond to a person's kindness to one's self by being kind to someone else.

The Alberta Society of Islamic Fellowship's work focuses on 3 aspects that create opportunities and open possibilities for everyone in our communities to thrive, lead, and live meaningful and purposeful lives.



As-salāmuʿAlaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ



"Be the Change You Wish

to See in the World!"

Children in Library
Teacher and Student
Volunteer Opportunities
Image by Matt Collamer

From Poverty to Possibility

ASIF Alberta is helping to meet the basic needs of our community’s most vulnerable people, giving every Canadian the opportunity to realize a better future.

Children Studying Alphabet

Helping Children Reach & Realize their Potential 

ASIF Alberta is giving children and youth the support they need to get a great start in life, do well in school, and reach their full potential.

Cheerful Seniors

Building Strong & Healthy Communities

ASIF Alberta is creating vibrant neighbourhoods, where everyone experiences a sense of belonging and connection to one another.

Marble Surface

To provide programs, activities, events, and classes that meet the physical, emotional, moral and intellectual needs of infants, children, youth, women, men , elderly and any individual of the community.  Our organization will be providing the essential  needs to support the standard way of life , counselling for new immigrants  in order to successfully adapt to the Canadian culture or providing referral services to connect them to respective resources, the climates/weather adaptability techniques, workshops  to foster  healthy relationships along with hosting networking events.

"If There Be Any Truer Measure of a Man Than By What He Does, It Must Be By What He Gives Because No Matter What Happens In Life, Being Good To People is a Wonderful Legacy To Leave Behind."

Jazāk Allāhu Khayran


جَزَاكَ ٱللّٰهُ خَيْرًا

Muslim Girl Studying
Image by Muhammad Ruqiyaddin
Image by Hasan Almasi
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