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"The Art and Science of Asking Questions is the Source of All Knowledge Because Part of Being Successful is Being Brave Enough to Never Stop Asking Questions."

(1) Why Should I Give To the Alberta Society of Islamic Fellowship?

* Everyday, ASIF works to improve lives locally through our initiatives and create opportunities for everyone in our communities.


(2) What is ASIF Alberta all about?

* The Alberta Society of Islamic Fellowship "ASIF" is a registered non-profit charitable organization and governed by an independent volunteer-led local Board of Directors. ASIF works hard locally to raise  funds for our initiatives and invest in improving the lives of our community members in any way we can.


(3) I feel pressured to give to ASIF.

* NO ONE should feel forced to give to ASIF. Giving is a personal choice that should always be made voluntarily. If you have felt pressured to donate to an ASIF campaign / initiative, we highly encourage you to raise your concerns directly with our Chief Executive Officer, President, and Co-Founder: Sister Chantal V. Magracia - Ouldzini via email -


(4) Are ASIF services, programs, initiatives only available for Muslims?

* NO. The services, programs, and initiatives that are offered by ASIF are open to all individuals regardless of religious affiliation. Everyone in the community can have access to our services, programs, and initiatives.


(5) I have items or services to donate.

* ASIF relies on the generous contribution of community members every year to keep our costs as low as possible. If you would like to make an in-kind donation, or offer pro-bono services, please contact our Chief Operating Officer, Vice-President, and Co-Founder: Sister Mary Joe Aissa via email - OR via call or text (780) 710 - 6328.


(6) I want my business to be involved with ASIF.

* Thank you so much for wanting to contribute to ASIF in any capacity. There are a number of ways your organization can get involved. By having a conversation with our Chief Executive Officer, President, and Co-Founder: Sister Chantal V. Magracia - Ouldzini via email -, we can identify the volunteer opportunities , fundraising initiatives or other partnerships that will work best for all parties involved.


(7) I want to volunteer with ASIF.

* Thank you so much for your interest in volunteering with us and for us. Volunteers work with ASIF to make a difference in communities across Canada. To find a volunteer opportunity that is right for you, please contact our Chief Operating Officer, Vice - President, and Co-Founder: Sister Mary Joe Aissa via email - OR via call or text (780) 710 - 6328.


8. I need a tax receipt for my donation.

* If you contributed via payroll deduction or through a pension plan, your gift should be reflected on your T4 and a tax receipt is not required. If you donated by credit card or cheque, please contact our Treasurer and Accountant, Sister Rafika Hassen via email: to obtain a receipt.


9. I need to update my contact or payment information.

* If you need to update your contact information, please contact ASIF Secretary: Sister Maryem Ali Fares via email -


* If you need to update your payment information, please contact ASIF Treasurer and Accountant, Sister Rafika Hassen via email:


10. How much of my donation goes to administrative costs?

* At the moment, all of ASIF is made up of volunteers, so 100% of your donations goes to your designated initiatives / campaigns. 0% goes to administrative costs. This is well above industry standards, and competitive with the top non-profit organizations across Canada. 


11. How are executive salaries determined?

* At the moment, all of our executives are volunteers too and they are currently our organization's biggest contributors whether it's time or monetary - they work hard to ensure the success of each and every initiative / campaign. Our executives are committed to spending Canadian dollars wisely in order to service more people who need help.

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