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Image by Paweł Czerwiński








"Those Who Are the Happiest are Those Who Do the Most for Others Because We  OnlyMake a Living By What We Get, But We Make a Life by What We Give."



CEO, Co-Founder, & President - CHANTAL V. MAGRACIA - OULDZINI

COO, Co-Founder, & Vice - President - MARY JOE AISSA




Pink Powder

The Alberta Society of Islamic Fellowship is led by a group of highly educated professionals whom are also mompreneurs. We have collectively envisioned that our individual strengths could be further cultivated for the best purposes by helping and serving the community at large. We're a team of highly productive, multi-tasking women who constantly brainstorm and implement classes, programs, activities, and events that alleviates the financial burdens on not only low-income families or the vulnerable people of our society, but also, middle-class families as well, by providing services either for free or for a low cost.

The Alberta Society of Islamic Fellowship (ASIF) is a Canadian non-profit charitable organization who welcomes, understands and supports individuals from all backgrounds and all walks of life.


We serve a broad range of people in our community from children, youth, adults and seniors. If you need any help and it falls within one of our many programs, please contact us so that we may be able to help you. Our mission is to support you in your journey, and we would love to be  a part of your success story.  

FREE Back-To-School Supplies Campaign


FREE Food Hamper Campaign


FREE City Cycle Event


FREE Male Youth Basketball Club


FREE Male Youth Soccer Club


FREE Winter Indoor Sports Activities


Arabic Cooking Class for a Nominal Cost


FREE Career Workshop and Employment Services


FREE ASIF Tutoring & Homework Club


FREE Youth Islamic Studies


FREE Adult Islamic Studies



FREE Adult Professional Business and Workplace English



FREE Senior Support Services



FREE Snow Removal for Seniors and People with Disabilities



FREE Winter Clothing Campaign



FREE Clothing Drive For All Seasons Available to Everyone



FREE Pregnant Mother Care Package



FREE Tax Help for All



FREE Adult Islamic Book Club for Ramadan



FREE Children's Islamic Book & Activity Club for Ramadan


FREE ASIF Children’s Book & Activity Club



FREE Eid Goodie Bags for Kids for Ramadan



FREE Toy Drive Campaign



FREE Iftar Hot Meals for Muslims during Ramadan



FREE Hope Meals during the December Holidays for All



FREE Entrepreneurship Supports and Entrepreneurial Book Club



FREE Financial Literacy



FREE Survival Kits



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